Tag Archives: demolition day

Monday:)Memories and Demolition Day at the Joplin’s

2 Nov

“…the remembrance even of joy having its bitterness, and the memories of pleasure their pain.”
― Oscar Wilde


This morning, I had the honor of joining the Joplin family to watch the demolition of their home. I say home because it wasn’t just a house. The home had been in the family for many years, with endless memories, hopes, and dreams within the plastered walls.

It was bitter-sweet because even though the old home was torn down, a brand new beautiful home will be built on the sacred ground for future generations of Joplin’s to make beautiful new memories.
The cement step that had tiny handprints and loving parent’s guiding hands with names scrawled beneath was carefully preserved by the awesome demolition man. J.P. and the big ol’ CAT machine with its huge metal teeth delicately carried the beloved step over to the front grass for the family to preserve and incorporate into the building of the next new house.
A lifetime of memories.
It’s amazing how long it takes to build a house and how in just a few short hours, it can be totally demolished.
Instead of being sad and gloomy, Jud and Sherry hired a food truck to come and feed all the family, friends and neighbors who came to view and celebratewith them. Champagne and mimosa toasts were made as the huge CAT gobbled away at bricks and walls, windows and chimneys.

The awesome part of this demolition was , even though tears were shed for the loss of an old home and it’s memories, the whole family was there to hold hands, laugh and cry, and even take turns knocking down and scooping up some trees in the big CAT.

Girlfriends! Can’t wait to see the new house and celebrate again. (I’m sure it will be quite a while.) Love you!