Tag Archives: Star Trek

Wednesday:) WordPress Writer’s WOW Moment~ 75,000 Views

3 Aug

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” ― Muriel Rukeyser


Some of you already know this, and some of you are new here on my page… I started writing my blog January 1, 2013. It was my New Year’s challenge. I love to write, so I wanted to see if I could write a blog post every day for an entire year, 365 consecutive days. I wasn’t sure if  I could do it, but when I give myself a challenge, I don’t give up.  

Well, if you notice today’s date, August 2, 2017, not only did I meet my challenge, but I haven’t missed a day in 4 1/2 years. There were a couple of internet glitches where my story didn’t get posted on time, but one was written every day for 1,687 days so far. 

I remember when I reached 10,000 views. I couldn’t believe it. Me, a no name writer-wannabe, had my stories viewed 10,000 times. Then, there were 100 followers, then 200 followers. Now, I have over 1,000 followers! Oh my goodness! Every time I reached another amazing milestone on my stats, I would share my amazement with my wonderful readers.

When I started writing in 2013, my posts were the typical suburban housewife tales of tennis matches, friends, family, happenings on the square, and everyday life in McKinney Texas. This blog has seen me through my early countless carefree moments, all the way through a devastating divorce, betrayal, pain and more. This has become my daily diary, my escape, and my voice.

Each day that I shared my life and my world with you, this helped me grow, learn, and heal. Now, I start each day looking for something interesting, beautiful, positive, or inspirational, so I can share it with all my new friends that I’ve made here, and all the old friends I’ve known for ages. 

Today, I hit 75,147 views during my 1,687 days of writing, and I’ve had 38,554 visitors.

The number of people following my blog is just overwhelming. 1,186 followers. Woa!!! How did that happen??? I guess writers and readers are like me. The most popular days and hour of views is Sunday at 3 a.m.  Sounds about right.

My new goal, or shall I say, my new mission, is ” To boldly go where no man has gone before.” I’m going to shoot for FIVE YEARS. I also happen to be a huge STAR TREK fan.

“Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

So, that’s what I’be been doing…EXPLORE NEW WORLDs~ I actually ate sushi and went to the VFW Hall to sing karaoke. SEEK OUT NEW LIFE AND NEW CIVILIZATIONS~ I have ventured out past McKinney and went to Plano, Allen, and Prosper. I even drove to Oklahoma! Now, that’s some strange civilization right there. TO BOLDLY GO WHERE…well, you know the rest. This is my five year mission. Wish me luck and “BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY.”


Theme Song Thursday: To Boldly Go…

25 Jul

I confess, I am a “Star Trek” fan. Not one of those dress up with pointy ears kinda fans, but I admire the lessons the series can teach us. But mostly, “To boldly go where no man has gone before.”

(Sharing a blog about what Star Trek can teach us)
David BorgenichtPresident, Quirk Books

7 Life Lessons You Can Learn From ‘Star Trek’
Posted: 11/29/11 08:01 AM ET

The best way to travel is to boldly go where no one has gone before. This is true for vacations, for self-exploration, for life itself. If you want your days filled with adventure, laughter, love, learning and the occasional mind-meld, follow this route.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few–or the one. Sometimes you must make great sacrifices for the greater good. And, like the Genesis device, it will all come back around.

Expressing your emotions is a healthy thing. Sure, McCoy seemed angry all the time when exclaiming, “Dammit, Jim! I’m a doctor not a mechanic/bricklayer/soothsayer,” but he knew that by expressing his anger and frustration it wouldn’t get the best of him and he could then perform at his peak capacity.

When estimating how long a job will take, overestimate–and when you do better your captain will always be impressed. Replace the word “captain” with “teacher” or “mom/dad” and you’ll see what I mean. Sure, Mr. Scott might have been telling the truth–maybe it would take six hours to get the warp engines back online in the heat of the battle. Or maybe he was padding things so he looked good. Either way, when the engines did come back on line, everyone was happy.

Wearing red makes you a target. This is true of cars, dresses and, most especially, shirts. Red gets you noticed–which is good if you want to be noticed, bad if you don’t want to end up vaporized.

When you don’t know what to say, pause. It will give you the time to figure it out. Or at the very least, you’ll sound like you’re being thoughtful. “But….Spock…..why?”

The most powerful force in the universe is friendship. It’s more powerful than phasers, photon torpedos, even more powerful than the force itself. With friends, you can accomplish any task, escape any perilous situation, defeat any enemy–and you get to laugh together when it’s all over.

Super Busy Saturday

26 May

Guess where I am? Instead of where’s Waldo?

On a plane to…… ?
The day started with a 5 am wake-up. My dear husband took me to the airport.(Now, he gets to stay home and watch the dogs 24/7 and go crazy.) I’m spending this weekend with my sons, then later to Mom’s. After arriving, the boys and I had a nice relaxing brunch. Then we spent a few hours at one of my favorite places in the world. Guess where?


I’ll share some photos of the masterpieces inside.




After a lot of walking, we went to a movie. Take another guess? What movie?

Yes, I am a Trekki! I’m exhausted, but I boldly went where I haven’t been since last year around this time. So, I bid you goodnight and “Live long and prosper.”