What’s Cookin’ Miss Toni? Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies

31 Mar

“The best cookies are the ones made with love, lots of chocolate chips, and a lot of leftover Valentine’s Day candy.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


Well, I’m down to my last roll of chocolate chip cookie dough in the freezer. Oh no! Only one left. I think I started out making ten. Where did they go? (In my tummy, maybe?”) To be honest, I did give more away than I ate.

So, when I get the urge to bake some cookies, I take out a roll of my homemade chocolate chip cookie dough from the freezer. I had several boxes of those cute heart shaped Valentine’s Day candy lying around the kitchen. I know! Who has left over candy? I bought a whole bunch to give away, and ended up with some left over. I saved the cute little heart shaped boxes for some future arts and crafts project.( Artists don’t throw anything away that can become a craft.)

I sliced the candy in half, then took a slice of cookie dough, and covered it up with the dough and flattened it out. A surprise in the middle. Who doesn’t like surprises?
I filled up two baking sheets and had a bit of dough left over, so I made two giant cookies with all the remaining cut up chocolate candy. Some had caramel and some had mint filling and others with all kinds of fun fillings. I couldn’t waste the candy, right? They were so good, especially right out of the oven. Yum!

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