Archive | March, 2019

Saturday:) Strange Cold Weather, Warm Veggies, and More Empty Bowls

31 Mar

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, just soft people.”

~Bill Bowerman


Yesterday was warm t-shirt weather. Today, I bundled up for my walk. What a difference a day makes.

When I got home, I finally got around to cutting up and roasting a huge pan of veggies. They were yummy. Yesterday brownies, today veggies. I’m just all over the map weather-wise and baking-wise.

After walking the dog, a late lunch, and packing up more paint and bowls, I headed off to another evening at The Cove. My friend Helene joined me. I sat and painted five more bowls. Yesterday was bluebonnets, today was red roses. I forgot to take pictures, but Helene took a video, but it didn’t transfer to my phone that clearly.

The two day meet the artists event for Empty Bowls was very successful. Now, we just wait for May16th and the big event. It will be amazing. We have some of the most amazing artists and potters here in McKinney.

Friday:) From The Cove~Meet the Artists of Empty Bowls

30 Mar

“When artists get together and collaborate, magic happens.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


Friday and Saturday, the community has the opportunity to meet many of the artists and potters who collaborated to create dozens of beautiful hand-crafted bowls that will be auctioned off on May 16.

I was honored to have three bowls featured at the pre-view event. Instead of just standing around and mingling and nibbling, I decided to take my paints, brushes and a few white bowls to paint and demonstrate my signature bluebonnets. I got a chance to chat with other artists, potters, and visitors while I painted.

Alex Macias was home for Spring Break and was at The Cove throwing several beautiful clay bowls.

The large bluebonnet bowl that I under glazed last month was thrown by the talented Steve Macias. Lynne Weinberger’s cute bird and Marybeth Jagger’s hearts and birds were a lovely addition to the display.

If you missed the pre-view today, you still have a chance to visit The Cove Saturday evening, 6:30-9 pm, and meet some very talented artists, sip a little wine, and nibble some snacks. (I took some of my signature brownies, too)

Theme Song Thursday:) The Way He Wears His Hat

29 Mar

“If everyone started off the day singing, just think how happy they’d be.”

― Lauren Myracl


Another fun evening with a bunch of great friends at karaoke. We really look forward to meeting friends, enjoying friendship, and being silly. Loretta and I planned a song that we would sing to Jerry. Just enough to embarrass him and just enough to show him that we love him. He loved it.

Here’s to the way he wears his hat… and the way WE sing off key. Fun night.

Wednesday:) What Wonders I see On My Walks

27 Mar

“Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.”

~Helen Keller


Some people like to walk in the beautiful snowy woods, and others love to stroll along the beach collecting shells. I like to walk around my neighborhood. I find as much beauty and contentment here in my familiar surroundings. Yet, each day is different, and each glorious sunset a different painting.

Now that Spring is in the air, the birds are chirping and nesting.

This morning, I was walking along, picking up random discarded trash along my way. Wednesday is trash day, so I just place the waste in any nearby trash can. I was about a mile into my walk when I saw an unusual wooden dollhouse looking object laying by the curb. I decided that if I drive past later on my way to lunch and it’s still there, I’ll put it in my car and do something fun with it.

Well, it was still there at noon. I rang the bell and a nice lady answered. She said, yes, it was there for the taking. She even came out in her slippers to try and help me get it in my car, it was heavier than heck. It didn’t fit. I said I’d be back later after I ask a friend with a truck for some help. Miss Sandy drove me over there later, and we struggled to lift the darn thing, so I enlisted the aid of a man across the street a few houses down. The 3 of us just barely got it in. Then, I had to call Mr. Mike to help us get it out of the truck. I’ll let you know what I end up doing with it.

Another fun thing I stumbled upon on my walk. Beautiful chalk art on the sidewalk. I love the fact that children create art knowing full-well that time and rain will wash it away. It’s the creating that’s important.

Many wonders on my walks.

Tuesday:) Take Time To Smell The Flowers

27 Mar

Take time to smell the flowers

Spend time with that dear friend

Take pictures of each moment

For memories never end

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


Such a glorious beautiful day today. My alarm went off at 7 am. I walked the dog over by the pond and caught the lovely sunrise before heading off to zumba at the Y.

Today was a day of amazing colors, nature, walking, and friendship. After Zumba, I was pooped. I threw myself on the bed and was going to take a nap, but I thought first I’d see if anyone wanted to go to lunch later. Sherri Murphy said she was free and asked if I wanted to go over to Shades of Green Nursery over in Frisco to get some flowers in about half an hour. (No nap) Well, I have a black thumb and can’t grow anything, but I love to look. Also, it was p a good place for painting inspiration. I always say, “I can’t grow a flower, but I can paint a flower. We all have our gifts.”

After Sherri got a big cartload of flowers and I took a ton of pictures, we stopped for a Taco Tuesday lunch. On the way home, Sherri wanted to show me a cool spot she stumbled upon off the beaten path. She always finds the coolest photo ops.

What a fun day! I was so inspired and refreshed (after a short nap) that I took another long walk before sunset. I put in 5.3 miles today. I always love to catch the sunset and take another picture of God’s glorious gifts.

Another great day, from sunrise to sunset.

Montage Monday:) A Week In A Peek

26 Mar

“Time waits for no man. But, a woman, on the other hand, time better get used to waiting. Just sayin’.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


I know that I keep saying that the weeks keep flying by, but they do. It seems like one day I’m putting my Monday montage together and the next day I’m drinking Black Russians on Friday. Mom and I used to have this joke. She’d say every Friday, “My week is Monday, Tuesday, Friday. It’s Friday already.” Sure seems like it.

Well, it’s Monday again and here’s my week in a peek….

Great week with friends, talking to family, beautiful weather, and hail and brimstone. Well, the hail. I’m not sure what brimstone is, but we probably had some of that too.

Happy Monday.

Sunday Sermon, St. Gabriel Celebration and Tornado Sirens.

25 Mar

“Springtime in North Texas can be summed up in one word…CRAZY.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. And, this is Texas in March, so let us be careful. We had a gorgeous morning and crazy thunderstorms in the evening.

Our Gospel this morning was the story of the Samaritan Woman at the well. Jesus asked her to give Him some water. He explained that drinking the water from that well would still leave thirst, but He offered water of eternal life and there would be no more thirst…

The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When he comes, he will proclaim all things to us.” Jesus said to her, “I am he, the one who is speaking to you.”


My take on it… Jesus told the Samaritan woman His message, even though Samaritans were considered inferior and unworthy by the Jews at that time. But, Jesus wanted to share His word and salvation to all. We are all welcome who believe and have faith.

After Mass, Jerry, Helene and I walked over to the Donut Kitchen about a 1/4 mile for coffee because the St. Gabriel Carnival and Celebration started at noon and we didn’t want to lose our great early Mass parking spot. The previous forecast was rainy, but this morning, it was a perfectly sunny, beautiful day. Hmm? Perhaps someone had some heavenly clout.

I couldn’t help it. Selphie with Father Don.

OK! I did another goofy, perhaps sacrilegious thing. But, being Catholic, I can go to confession on Saturday. We were handing out these cool purple and white commemorative sunglasses to visitors. It was very sunny, and I felt sorry for the poor Angel Gabriel sitting alone in the courtyard.

The celebration was scheduled from 12-4. The weather was perfect, skies blue, and temps in the low 80’s. By 5 pm, the clouds rolled in and by 7, we had thunderstorms, hail, and the tornado sirens went off. Wow!

A few hail sightings posted by friends on Facebook.

This was the day the Lord has made…CRAZY!

Saturday:) The Art Club of McKinney Members Show and Spending Some Time On The Square

24 Mar

“Friends… they cherish one another’s hopes. They are kind to one another’s dreams.”

~Henry David Thoreau


It was a soggy drizzly dreary Saturday. I grabbed my umbrella and went for my usual afternoon walk anyway. Let me check my miles for today…

I planned on going to the Art Club of McKinney Members Art Show at The Cove in the evening, I called Helene and asked if she wanted to join me and maybe get some dinner afterwards. It was a great show. I’m honored to know so many talented friends.

There was such a wide variety of amazing paintings, sculptures and photographs.

After mingling and admiring the art, Helene and I had dinner at The Pantry. Oh my…chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes with country gravy and fried okra. No photo, I forgot and you’d be too jealous anyway.

The rain clouds were gone and off in the distance, so we walked around the square, sat on a bench a while to people watch and listen to live music from Landon’s Winery. It was a nice evening.

When I got home, the sky looked part scary, part glorious. Depends on your personal perception. I see glorious.

Friday:) Farewell to Friends and A Fine Spring Day

23 Mar

“We started with a simple hello, and ended with a complicated goodbye.”



Another beautiful Spring day with temps in the mid 70’s. 🤗 Tomorrow and Sunday, chance of thunderstorms.😔 But, it’s still March, we’ll take what we can get. I wanted to take advantage of the great weather, so I took a couple of nice long walks.

It was also nice to sit in the backyard and enjoy my lunch, with the sun warming my face.

This evening, I was invited to a farewell gathering for our good friends Diane and Richard who are moving to Florida. There was good food, great friends, and a few tears. It’s difficult to say goodbye to good friends.

A busy day. A good day. Time for Black Russian Friday.

Theme Song Thursday:) A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

21 Mar

“Some say hope springs eternal, but I say Spring hopes eternal? Either way, I’m covered.”

~ Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


“Don’t forget to leave your handprints on the ones you love and your footprints around the neighborhood.”

― Lisa C. Miller, Godly Inspirations for the Troubled Soul


Current temperature in Mckinney is 75. (Google just informed me when I asked) Wow! A gorgeous day. I want to hurry up and get this posted so I can walk a little more before going to karaoke. Such a busy girl. Such a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

A few sights and sounds from my walks…

The birds are chirping, the busy ants are building super fortresses, and the bugs are flitting around. Ah, Spring is in the air.