Archive | May, 2016

Montage Monday and Memorial Day

31 May

“Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace.”
~Martin Luther


Memorial Day, a day to give thanks to all who have served and sacrificed. I always think of my own father, and all the other fathers, sons, brothers, sisters, daughters, and mothers who served their country. We are indebted to them all. 

My father, Elijah Armenta. Gone but not forgotten. 

A week in a peek. 

Unpacking, storms, brownies, walking, phone calls and friends. A good week.  

Sunday Sermon and Stormy Skies

30 May

When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.~Haruki Murakami


It was cloudy his morning when I drove to church, but the rain held off. 

Today was the Feast of Corpus Christi, celebrating the solemnity of the belief in the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist. The Gospel was Luke 9:11-17 about the five loaves and two fish feeding the crowds. More miracles, more bread. My take on it…The symbolism of feeding the body and soul. 

After Mass, I stopped at my friend Jerry’s house for tea and conversation. He has a wonderful collection of artwork and sculptures. We sat out back, the sun came out, it was a beautiful afternoon. 

I stopped at Walgreens to upload some photos of my trip. (No selfie control) It took me quite a long time to figure out the kiosk and editing stuff, but I did it. Yay! I’ll pick up 227 tomorrow. 

When I went for my evening walk, it was sunny and warm, but off in the northwest, it looked a little dark, followed with a distant sound of thunder. A few minutes into my walk…….

A scary stormy sky. I stood and watched in amazement, took pictures, then scurried home when the rain and lightning threatened harm. 

“I walked through the storm and I learned.”


Saturday:) Sights, Sounds and Smells of Home

29 May

“Memories establish the past;Senses perceive the present;

Imaginations shape the future.” 

― Toba Beta


We are surrounded by the sights, sounds and smells of home, but how often do we appreciate them? This morning, I started my day by making a batch of brownies. Today is my neighbor’s birthday. Mike doesn’t believe in birthdays or celebrating, but that’s too bad, because I do. So, I made him some brownies. The house smelled divine.

My secret recipe: brownie mix on sale, sprinkle a big handful of chocolate chips and half a dozen cut up Snickers or other candy bars on top of batter. Bake per directions. Tastes divine.

I took a couple of walks this afternoon and early evening. The kids were playing in the park, laughing and squealing in the splashing water.

The duck family enjoyed the water too. There’s a new baby duckling paddling along.

The sights and sounds and smells of home. 

Friday:) From Here to There

28 May

I don’t feel like unpacking my bags  because it means the trip is over. 

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


Just because you have baggage doesn’t mean you have to lug it around.
~Richie Norton


Procrastination and avoidance are my strongest attributes. Instead of unpacking my bags, doing laundry, and getting back to normal, I lounged around all morning, sipping tea, checking emails, etc. Then, I gathered the energy to get dressed and go out to lunch with my friend Diane. 

A quick trip to the store for some groceries, then home. Did I unpack? No! At least I shuffled a few things around. 

From the middle of the kitchen floor to the foot of bed. Progress!

What did I do next? I went for a long walk. I missed my pond and all the critters around. I was only gone a week for goodness sake. 

It was a perfect day for a walk. 

Mr. Bunny was happy to see me too. 

It was a good lazy day. Perhaps I will unpack tomorrow. Perhaps not. 

Theme Song Thursday:) Going Home

27 May

Coming back is the thing that enables you to see how all the dots in your life are connected, how one decision leads you another, how one twist of fate, good or bad, brings you to a door that later takes you to another door, which aided by several detours–long hallways and unforeseen stairwells–eventually puts you in the place you are now.

~Ann Patchett 


It was a wonderful week. My wings are mending and spreading slowly, and I’ve been testing their strength. I drove to Stillwater OK and back, all by myself, over four hours each way. Something I’ve never attempted before. I detest driving, mostly because I am directional impaired. Thank goodness for Google maps. 

Jim did all the other driving to Santa Fe and back, over ten hours each way. I sat back, enjoyed the gorgeous scenery, and took a zillion pictures. 

It’s good to be home, but I’ll miss the museums, art, churches, beautiful scenery, and a dear friend. It was a wonderful adventure with soaring wings. 

Maybe I’ll unpack tomorrow. Maybe not. 

I’m home. The dots are connected. All dots lead home. 

Wednesday:) Wonderful Art at the Gilcrease Museum

26 May

It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.~Vincent Van Gogh


This afternoon we went to the Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art in Tulsa. It is home to one of the nation’s largest and most comprehensive collections of fine art and artifacts of the American West, and fine collection of Native American Art, artifacts, manuscripts, maps and documents. (I got that from the brochure.)

At the entrance. 

Leigh’s paintings were wonderful, but I loved the sketches more so. 

Another wonderful day of fine art to fill my soul. 


Tuesday:) Too Much To Tell

25 May

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.~Ayn Rand


When there is too much to tell, just show pictures. I like pictures. 

Two Toni’s for the price of one. 

Shadows in the night. 

Sites on the way home. 

Passing through Amarillo. My dad was born in Amarillo.

I wondered if I was going to find a lucky penny on this trip. On the way home. I found a penny and two dimes. 21! Even luckier!

Time to say goodbye for now. “No selfie control.”

Montage Monday:) A Week in a Peek

24 May

Now, on this road trip, my mind seemed to uncrinkle, to breathe, to present to itself a cure for a disease it had not, until now, known it had.~Elizabeth Berg


Our last full day in Santa Fe. A great road trip packed with art, music, food and perfect weather. 

A week in a peek. 

Sunday Sermon and Some More Santa Fe Sights

23 May

The more sects we have the better. They are all getting somebody in (to the Church) that the others could not: and even with the numerous divisions we are all doing tolerably well.~Abraham Lincoln


Today is The Somemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. I forgot if Mom said she was born on or baptized on Trinity Sunday, but that is why she was named Trinidad. We went to Mass at the Cathedral Badilica of St. Francis on Santa Fe. The Arch Bishop officiated the 10 am service. 

No, I didn’t get a chance to greet at the door.(Darn 😒)  But, what a magnificent cathedral. 

The homily was about the Trinity. The Arch Bishop said as a young priest, he struggled to understand the complexities of the Trinity, and feels he will never understand, but it is a symbol of unity of God and of man. My take on it…I don’t get it either. 

It’s always exciting to visit new cities, new churches, and see new sights. 

After Mass we walked across the square to the Presbyterian church to catch their service. On the way, the streets were blocked off for a low-rider street fair and car show. Woa!

The Presbyterian church has an old phenomenal pipe organ. 

At the end of the service, they announced that the famous Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble was performing later in the afternoon. We went to hear that. It was beautiful. 

So, we got in our fair share of share of churches, sermons, services, and singing today. 

A stop at the Native Ametican Museum before dinner. 

Another good day in Santa Fe. 

Saturday:) More Santa Fe

22 May

When you turn around, you’ll see something I bet you’ve never seen before. If it takes your breath away, then you’ll fit in nicely. If you don’t feel anything, then maybe you don’t belong here.~Veronica Randolph Batterson


So many beautiful sites to see. Thank goodness for cell phones. 

Allen Houser sculpture by day. 

Now,the same scilpture by night. Each tells a different story, doesn’t it?

San Miguel. 

The pictures tell the story. A beautiful day.