Archive | May, 2020

Sentimental Saturday:) Sunsets, Sonnets and Such

31 May

“I find myself becoming increasingly nostalgic for the past, but after all I suppose that is the only thing one can be nostalgic about.”

― James Rozoff


I am nothing, if not a product of my sentimentality. I love my art, my writing, my poetry, my family, and friends. I surround myself with constant reminders and memories of the people and things that I love. I display gifts and keepsakes from friends and family all over my house.

That last few days, when I open my Facebook page, the first thing I see is that page of memories, so nicely provided. There to greet me is the beautiful face of my angel mother, now smiling from heaven. What a great way to start my day.

Another memory came up of a sunset and a short poem I wrote about the photo. When I saw that sky, all I could think of was that it looked like a red velvet ribbon, and therefore required a poem for such a lofty poetic thought. Not quite a sonnet, but close.

Here are a few more recent sunsets. Perhaps they are in need of some lofty thoughts and poetry. Feel free to give it a try.

This one cries out… “wispy tangerine sky.”

Happy Sentimental Saturday, my friends. ❤️

Friday:) Fun Projects From My Studio

30 May

“One characteristic of winners is they always look upon themselves as a do it yourself project.”

Denis Waitley


I’m more of a work in progress kind of gal. I’m not good at do it yourself, because “myself” isn’t too handy.

But, now that my “Crap Room” now finished art studio is done and organized, it’s fun to work on projects because I know where everything is now.

I’ve been working on some different technique to make notecards. Pastel chalk, is by far, the easiest and coolest method.

Check out the time lapse video…

Some other things I’ve been working on.

Well, “Cheers” and happy Friday, my friends.

Quarantined Karaoke Thursday:) “Precious and Few”

29 May

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Marcus Aurelius


On yet another Quarantined Karaoke Thursday, I’m missing my family, my good friends, laughing, singing and dancing. But, I wake every morning feeling blessed, realizing what a “precious privilege it is to be alive-to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” A great song for today… “Precious and Few.”

And of course, another awesome song from Bob…”In the Still of the night.”

Happy Quarantined Karaoke Thursday my friends. Be safe!

Wednesday:) What’s Cookin’ Miss Toni?

28 May

“Some people are talented creative cooks and bakers. Me, I just slap stuff together and delicious concoctions are created.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


If you know me well, you know I don’t follow recipes. I just kinda fly by the seat of my pants. Well, the other day, I had some left over brownies. ** How is that humanly possible, you ask? Left over brownies? Well, I’m still not able to take goodies over to my favorite fire stations, and I still have that inner burning desire to bake every now and then. You see the dilemma.

I also had some left over peanut butter no bake pie filling in the fridge, so I decided to combine the great flavors.


Leftover brownies (from a mix)

Leftover peanut butter pie filling: 1 cream cheese, 1cup powdered sugar, 1 container cool whip, around 1/2 cup peanut butter.

Melted chocolate chips with a tiny vegetable oil (just a few drops)

Taste better refrigerated.

Oh boy, those were good. I still had a little peanut butter filling left, so I put a scoop on top of an Oreo cookie, to make a few mini pies. Oh yes, I also melted some chocolate chips to swirl on the top for extra chocolates goodness.

I, of course, sampled a few, then dispersed the rest to friends and neighbors who were gracious enough to take them off my hands. Thank goodness for friends!

Tuesday:) Time To Get Off the Sofa And Plant

27 May

What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.

Meister Eckhart


I’ve gotten pretty comfortable sitting around in my pajamas all day every day. Yesterday, I got up early and watched a Zoom Zumba class. My daughter-in-law has a friend teaching a free class, so I logged in and had a blast dancing along. Exercise is a good way to energize your day.

After the class, a shower, and run some errands, I stopped into Lowe’s to check out the plants and get a new vacuum cleaner belt. There’s nothing like looking at plants and flowers in the pouring rain. The plants like it, me… not so much.

So today, my goal was to avoid another couch potato day. I ventured out again after a morning walk, and ran over to Sprouts for some long needed fruits and vegetables. When I got home, the cloudy skies faded away to a nice sunny evening. Yeah! Now I could plant my azaleas.

I get easily distracted. The front yard grass was looking shabby because too many fallen leaves had smothered the grass, leaving bare spots under the trees, so I needed to rake. Oh no, some of these branches need trimming. I really should spray the trees with insect spray. I think some bug has invaded the trees, that’s why the leaves look bad. Easily distracted.

Oh, okay, time to take the six azalea plants from the garage out back to the two barren flower beds. I planted something last fall but… I killed it all. Did I mention that I can’t grow ANYTHING? Everything dies. Well, gonna give it another try. Wish me luck.

I have two identical empty beds in the back, so I wanted to have them look the same, three in each. The soil was so yucky with clay, so I added a lot of potting soil. Seeing as I’m an old lady, it took me a long time to dig the six hole, take the yucky clay from the holes and transport it to some open spots along the fence line where the bunnies come in. It was a big job, and I almost quit after one bed. No! I can do it. No quitting until they’re both done. Tada! Just one photo. They’re both the same.

I sat down for a couple of minutes and noticed the sun was starting to go down and the orange glow was calling me. Off for a walk…

Now, I’m pretty darn tired. But, it feels pretty darn good.

Montage Memorial Day Monday 🇺🇸

26 May

“America without her soliders would be like God without His angels.”

– Claudia Pemberton


A gloomy rainy Memorial Day today. I think it has rained pretty much all day, alternating between a light drizzle and a heavy down pour, with no end in sight for several days.

My Facebook memories came up with a photo from 5 years ago, another rainy Memorial Day view of my flag outside in my front yard.

The solemnity of the day has been heightened by the pandemic, and that has reduced the parties, picnics and parades into more reflective times. Rightfully so. A good time to think about the real reason for the day.

On my walk yesterday, a beautiful sunset. Too much rain to walk today.

Here’s my Montage Monday… A Week in a Peek… Counting my blessings…

Sunday Sermon, a Sunset, and Some Other Stuff

25 May

“The greater your knowledge of the goodness and grace of God on your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the storm.”

~ Matt Chandler


Another day of morning Mass in my pajamas. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Today’s Gospel reflects the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord.

1 After saying this, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said: Father, the hour has come: glorify your Son so that your Son may glorify you;

2 so that, just as you have given him power over all humanity, he may give eternal life to all those you have entrusted to him………l.

11 I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep those you have given me true to your name, so that they may be one like us.

My take on it… we are all called to continue the work of Jesus here on earth, because He entrusted us with this ministry after He ascended into heaven. You can continue His work by following His Commandments, sharing His word, and teaching by example.


The rest of my lazy Sunday was just filled with making a few phone calls, FaceTime, Facebook and emails. Then, instead of tackling some housework, I did some marathon binge watching of “Indiana Jones” movie episodes.

Ending my day with a nice evening walk. The warm steamy temps earlier cooled off. The clouds rolled in, and I actually needed a jacket. The sky always displaying a beautiful painting at sunset.

Happy Sunday, my friends.

Saturday:) Spectacular Quarantined Studio Tour

24 May

“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.”

— Louis Pasteur


If you recall, several weeks ago, I bought and assembled some new shelves with the intention of organizing my “Crap Room.” I gave myself a challenge to work a minimum of one hour and maximum of four hours a day. I think I spent more time reminiscing than I did organizing. I found artworks dating back to my college days. I think they can be considered antiques. It was a slow, tedious, but very rewarding project.


Welcome to my newly organized and inventoried STUDIO… Here’s the tour…


Isn’t it grand! Toni’s Tenacity prevails.

Friday From My Quarantined Kitchen

23 May

“Show me a clean perfectly tidy kitchen, and I’ll show you a boring empty home.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


My kitchen is not only where I cook, but it’s where I dance, and sing, and bake and dream. And, because my small kitchen is open and visible to the family room’s TV, occasionally I wash dishes during commercials. I call it commercial cleaning.

I’m sure that most people know that the kitchen is the heart of the home, so if the kitchen is too tidy all the time, there’s something wrong there.

I was admiring all my memorabilia around my kitchen today. I proudly display my Mother’s Day gifts from the grandchildren.

Belle drew me a beautiful picture with sparkle paint. I told her that I saw a grandma holding a baby and she said, “NO! It’s a dragon!” Oops, my mistake. (Do you see the mother and child? Maybe you see the dragon.)

My fridge has a wonderful display of family photos and special memories.

My windows are flanked and counters filled with artwork and gifts from friends and family that must be showcased and displayed. These things make me smile every day.

There are dishes in the sink, dirty pots and pans still on the stove, oops, and an empty wine glass, but how blessed am I!

Happy Quarantined Black Russian Friday, my friends.

PS. The store was out of my chocolate almond milk. Had to make my own.


Quarantined Karaoke Thursday:) Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You

22 May

“If you’ve got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing.”

― Melody Carstairs


Another Thursday with NO karaoke at Delaney’s, NO singing with friends, NO dancing. But, I’m still singing, and I’m still dancing in the kitchen. It will take more than a stinkin’ ol’ worldwide catastrophic pandemic to stop me.

My glitzy Pop Solo Karaoke Microphone that Jerry gave me for my birthday was all charged up and ready to go.

Every Thursday, Bob treats us to an official karaoke song on Facebook. Thanks Bob and Joni.

Bob Goen singing, “Some Gave All.”

Happy Thursday, my friends.