Archive | February, 2020

Friday:) A Busy Better Late Than Never Awesome Day and My Firemen

29 Feb

“Sometimes I wish there were hours in the day so I could have even more fun.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


Wow! Such a fun busy day, and too much to fit into one post, so I’ll save some for later. My day had absolutely no plans on my calendar. I totally forgot that my phone was on silent after I went to Adoration Thursday, so I hadn’t seen the text from Sherri asking if I wanted to go to lunch on Friday. When I saw the text in the morning, I called her and we made our plans. She picked me up at 11:30 and I hit the ground running from 11:30 am and finally landed back home after midnight. I sure can jam pack a lot of fun into one day.

Sherri picked me up at 11:30 and our first stop was to Miss Bernadine’s house down the street. Miss B had picked up 5 more packs of baby wipes to add to my bags of donations to take over to Holy Family School.

My very good friends, Joni and Bob Goen, gave me a VERY generous donation of cash to take over to Miss Sondra at Holy Family School. The very much appreciated donation will be used to purchase supplies for the children. I have the greatest generous friends.

After Sherri and I left the school, we stopped at The McKinney Art Studio to drop off my donations for Empty Bowls. Lisa and Carol were working on some pottery and it was fun to see what they were working on. Jason was camera shy, so he declined a photo op. Here are my two bowls for the upcoming charity event. I think they turned out great.

After our visit at the pottery studio, we enjoyed a two hour lunch at El Pollo Elegre on the east side. Very good food. Being Lent and being Friday, I asked for a vegetarian version of their taco platter. Yum! After lunch we went over to Plaza Thrift Store. They were having a half off sale. (Be still my heart.) I think we spent almost two hours and a goodly amount of money there, finding all kinds of bargains. We each had a cart load. I had to smile, I found a lucky penny on our way back to the car. All that shopping gave us a hankering for ice cream on the way home.

While we were shopping, I received a text from Linda Grossman, World’s Greatest Realtor, asking if I wanted to meet for dinner. Well, why not? A good chance to catch up with a good friend. By the time I got home, it was 5:30, and we planned to meet around 6. In the meantime, I got a text from Mr. Mike asking if I could run over to feed Bella and take her for a walk, as he was stuck at a doctor’s appointment and was running late. So, I scooted over there, fed the dog and took her for a walk. The sun was setting and an amazing sunset was captured.

I got home in time to hop in the car and go to meet Linda over at Anamias just a mile away from my house. There was no place to park and such a long wait for a table that we decided to chuck that plan and go over to the Square. Linda followed me home, and we went to the square in her car. This way I could have a drink. I don’t drink and drive…never. Yay!

We went over to Rick’s Chophouse. They had a great band playing, Missing 3, so we had drinks and danced and ran into friends and made a few new friends. It was a blast, but we didn’t leave till 11:30 pm. Where did the day go? Our sweet friend, Jeremiah, was such a gentleman and walked us back to our car.

I got home after midnight, so my Black Russian Friday was a little late, it as I said, “Better late than never.” Basically, I was out running around and having fun for over twelve hours. I need more hours in my day.

Well, it’s after 2 am. I’ll finish my favorite Friday drink, finish this post, and watch a little tv and relax. What a great day! So many good friends, good times and good memories made.

Oops! My firemen. I almost forgot. I took some cupcakes over to my firemen friends at Station 9 yesterday.

Thursday:) This is Miss Pat’s Big Birthday

28 Feb

“Happy Birthday. May each an every moment of your special day be filled with the same joy and happiness you bring to others.”



Our dear friend Miss Pat was celebrating her birthday today, and many of her best friends celebrated with her at Delaney’s Irish Pub tonight. It was our usual karaoke night, so it was the perfect venue for a big celebration.

We are so blessed to have such a wonderful friend. Miss Pat is known as “The Cookie Lady,” because she bakes hundreds of cookies every day and shares with everyone and everywhere she goes.

Loretta and I changed the words to “The Candy Man” and sang this to Miss Pat…

Who can take a rainbow (who can take a rainbow)
Wrap it in a sigh (wrap it in a sigh)
Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie
The Cookie Lady can
The Cookie Lady can
The Cookie Lady can
‘Cause she mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
(Makes the world taste good)
(The Cookie Lady makes everything she bakes)
(Satisfying and delicious)
Now you talk about your childhood wishes
You can even eat the dishes
Oh, who can take tomorrow (who can take tomorrow)
Dip it in a dream (dip it in a dream)
Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
The Cookie Lady can
Oh, the Cookie Lady can
The Cookie Lady can
‘Cause she mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
(Makes the world taste good)
(The Cookie Lady makes everything she bakes)
(Satisfying and delicious)
Talk about your childhood wishes
You can even eat the dishes
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Who can take tomorrow (who can take tomorrow)
Dip it in a dream (dip it in a dream)
Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
The Cookie Lady can
The Cookie Lady can
The Cookie Lady can
‘Cause she mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
(Makes the world taste good)
Yes, the Cookie Lady can
‘Cause she mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
(Makes the world taste good)

Happy birthday Pat Richter!

Wednesday:) What’s Cookin’ Miss Toni?

27 Feb

“Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.”

― Matshona Dhliwayo


Today, being Ash Wednesday and the first day of Lent, I had many plans for the day. Just like New Year’s resolutions, Catholics usually make resolutions during Lent to give up something important, fast, abstain, make sacrifices, or add generosity of time or alms.

Ash Wednesday derives its name from the placing of repentance ashes on the foreheads of participants to either the words “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or the dictum “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

When I arrived at church at noon for ashes, I was surprised that the parking lot was packed. I thought that in the middle of the day, everyone would be at work or school. I brought my heavy craft bag with me because the Women’s Craft Ministry meets next door in the cafeteria at 12:30. It would be a busy day.

No, the Pope wasn’t at St. Gabriel’s to dispense ashes, but his cardboard double was in the craft closet taking a rest. Of course, I needed a selfie.

After working on some crafts with the ladies, I stopped in the sanctuary to light a candle and place a donation in the poor box. Then, I ran some errands, stopped for gas and went home to take a nap. I was up till almost 3am last night, working on the first coat of my glass painting for Empty Bowls, and a dozen wine glasses, so I was tired. Also, catching up on a few hours of sleep would pass the time on a day of fasting. Just water for me today. I could have slept all day, but I napped about three hours and went upstairs to paint.

Well, I finished the second coat of paint on both yellow rose bowls, and all the glasses. The second coat is pretty tricky because I had to make sure each brush stroke landed exactly on each previously painted petal and leaf. Tricky.

They turned out pretty darn good, if I don’t say so myself. So, that’s what’s been cookin’. I just need to bake them in the oven.

Everything’s coming up roses today. I hope you’re having a good day too.

Tuesday:) Tried and True Friends

26 Feb

“A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care of all to acquire.”

~Francois de La Rochefoucauld


I have the greatest “tried and true friends,” and you know how I know this? It’s because I tried to get rid of them and they keep showing up. A little humor there.,, very little.

A sluggish kinda Tuesday here. A few walks with the dog, but mostly a lazy day. By 2pm, I was feeling guilty, so I started on a long over due glass painting project, but I’ll save that for another day. It’s a work in progress. Empty Bowls is coming up soon.

I was looking forward to this evening. A bunch a friends were invited over to Doug’s place for a chili dinner and get together at 6. It seems like every week there is another dinner or gathering, and my calendar is pretty darn full with invites, activities, parties, and stuff to do. I love it. We have the greatest group of friends, and we always have a good time.

Well, it is FAT TUESDAY, and I did a pretty good job in living up to the title. Doug made the best three bean chili, and everyone brought appetizers and dessert and beverages. SO much food. Thanks Doug!

Montage Monday:) A Week In A Peek

25 Feb

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.

Albert Einstein


Ah, to remain children all our lives, now that’s an activity we should all pursue, if only in our hearts.

Another great week…

Sunday Sermon and a Sunrise

24 Feb

“If you slap my face, I will turn the other cheek. If you slap me again, you better run like hell. Just sayin’.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


I took Bella for an early morning walk this morning before church. I love my sunsets, but sometimes the early morning sunrise is just breathtaking. Look!

So many hugs, smiles, and handshakes before Mass. That’s why I love greeting at the door. It just brightens my day, and energizes my spirit.

Today’s Gospel was a tough one for me…

Gospel, Matthew 5:38-48

38 ‘You have heard how it was said: Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.

39 But I say this to you: offer no resistance to the wicked. On the contrary, if anyone hits you on the right cheek, offer him the other as well;

40 if someone wishes to go to law with you to get your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

41 And if anyone requires you to go one mile, go two miles with him.

42 Give to anyone who asks you, and if anyone wants to borrow, do not turn away.

43 ‘You have heard how it was said, You will love your neighbour and hate your enemy.

44 But I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you;………..


My take on it… I do believe in turning the other cheek, but how many times? I think turning the other cheek is more of a way of standing your ground and not backing down. Turn your cheek once and you have proven your point. If you get slapped again, then your assailant has proven his point. I don’t believe even God wants us to be physically, mentally, or verbally abused. I do pray for my enemies and those who have harmed me, but I pray that they may find their way, stop their evil ways, and bring peace to their soul.

After Mass, I stopped for coffee with Mary. We greet together every Sunday, but we don’t get to visit and chat that often, so it was good to catch up. Before we knew it, two hours had slipped away and her husband texted that they were supposed to be at a meeting at 12:30. It was 12:29. Uh oh! We left in a hurry. When I got to my car and opened the door, guess what was sitting there right on the ground next to my car? Yep, a lucky penny. Right there, waiting for me.

By now it was gloomy and drizzly, so when I got home, I put up my hood and took Bella out for another walk. Did I mention she loves her walks?

I was meeting Zelda later at Olive Garden for an early dinner at 4. By the time 4 rolled around, I was starving. Did I mention that Miss Toni loves Olive Garden. A wonderful dinner and visit with my good friend Zelda.

By the time I got home, it was starting to get dark, so it was time for… yep… you guessed it, another walk in the park with Bella.

I made a few phone calls, catching up with friends, but no FaceTime with the grandkids today. We did that yesterday. Now, writing about my day, and another lovely Sunday. Another day to count my blessings, and thank God that I didn’t have to turn the other cheek. I’m not in the mood.

Happy Sunday, my friends.

Saturday:) Catholic Bingo~ Nobody Does It Better

23 Feb

“Bingo isn’t really gambling when all the proceeds go to charity, and everything is donated for a worthy cause. It’s a Catholic thing.”

~Toni Armenta Andrukaitis


A fun night of bingo with a Mardi Gras theme at St. Gabriel this evening. This was my first time attending, and I didn’t realize how huge and elaborate it would be.

It was a sold out event sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry.

Thousands of dollars were raised for this wonderful ministry. SVdP provides appropriate assistance to anyone needing food, clothing, rent assistance, utility assistance or other emergency needs.

Guess who I ran into on my way in? Father Don.

There were all kinds of raffle prizes, silent auction, donation boards, a 50/50 raffle, tons of food, and the grand finale was a huge double sided bar of wines and spirits to be raffled. We Catholics enjoy our alcohol. One person won all of these bottles.

I didn’t even purchase a raffle ticket for the booze. What if I won? Even I don’t have that many friends to drink all that. But, I did donate a print of one of my paintings, and I got to talk to the lady who won my silent auction donation. She loved my angel.

I sat with several friends as we played eight different games of bingo. Not just the plain old kind, but things like H shaped, X, outer box, inner box, etc. Way to much thinking for me. But, we had a good time, and as I said, a lot of money was raised. Even the winner of the 50/50 raffle, which was over $1,200, donated their winnings to the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry.

These are the lovely ladies that I sat with this evening. As you can see, there was plenty to eat and drink, and a good time was had by all.

Look at all these nice people gathered together for a wonderful cause. As I’ve always said, “If a lot of people give just a little, so much can be done for many.” This evening, a lot of people donated a little time, a little money, and a lot of heart. Plus, we all had a lot of fun.

Friday Frenzy:) More Cleaning, Organizing and the Magic Broom Trick

22 Feb

A new broom sweeps clean, but the old broom knows the corners.

Irish Saying


After my craft organizing yesterday, I thought I was done, but noooo. I had been thinking about all the magic broom tricks I’d been seeing on Facebook. If you’re not familiar, people were posting pictures and videos of an average broom standing straight up, all on its own, using gravity or inertia or magic. Either way, I thought it was kinda silly and I didn’t get all the hoopla. Personally, I thought if I get up the gumption to even get my broom out, it would be to sweep the floor. (Which is a miracle alone right there.)

Since I was feeling productive yesterday, I got up the courage to get out my broom. And guess what? While I was searching for the dust pan, I stood the broom up AND it did stand up all by itself.

Magic…Watch the video below…

After sweeping all the floors in the kitchen, hallways, and bathroom, I noticed all the spots and spills on the afore mentioned floors. 🤦‍♀️ so, I got out the mop. Bella was kind enough to follow me around from room to room to make sure I was doing it correctly, and to leave little paw prints in her wake.

While I was still on a roll, I cleaned both bathrooms downstairs and scooted upstairs to clean those two bathrooms. Are you exhausted yet? After all that cleaning, spraying, chemicals, cleansers and mess, I had enough time to jump in the shower before heading off to karaoke. I was a busy gal.

Needless to say, I slept very well last night. I got up, walked the dog, and wanted to get over to church for Adoration before going to Zumba class at 11:30. I got to church by 11 and lit a candle afterwards, then scampered off to the YMCA for Zumba class. Maria was subbing and it was quite the workout. Very fun, but I was sweating. Cool! I asked Doug if he wanted to stop for lunch at McD’s after class, so we had a nice visit.

I had promised Miss Kathy over at Towne Creek that I’d stop by today to clean out and organize the art storage room where we keep all our art and craft supplies. Someone had given her a bunch of craft supplies for our art group, but the shelves were stuffed and overflowing. The fire Marshall inspector usually dings us when he comes to inspect every year. Since I was on a cleaning and organizing frenzy, why not go over there and straighten up.

If you sneezed in there, something was going to spill out. I spent about three hours and actually made a little room on the shelves. That’s the good news. The bad news is, I brought home three big bins of stuff that are piled up in my garage. 🤦‍♀️

It’s been a long busy day, but a good day. It always feels good to get organized.

Now, to put my feet up and enjoy Black Russian Friday… at last. CHEERS!

Thankful Theme Song Thursday:) Friends~ “I Will Always Love You”

21 Feb

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”

~ Woodrow Wilson


I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again… I have the best friends. This afternoon, I met my friend Karen for lunch. I hadn’t seen her in a while, so we had a lot of catching up to do. Before we left, she said she had some scrap booking and crafting supplies for me to share with my senior artists at Towne Creek or my church group. She was cleaning up her craft room and thought we could use the supplies. We walked to her car, and I thought maybe she had a bag or a box. Woa! She gave me two huge bags and some baskets. When I got home, I looked through all the items. Thank you, Karen.

I’m not much on organizing my own things, but I had the greatest time sorting the piles into categories of alphabets and numbers, large 12×12 papers, 8×10 papers, markers, embellishments, etc. I spent a couple of hours sorting and admiring the cool supplies. Look how well I organized. My friends are always looking out for me.

After my crafting fun, I took the dog for a long walk, then got ready to go to Delaney’s for karaoke. More fun with friends. We sing and dance and eat and drink and have the greatest time.

Tina sang several songs, and I have to say, I think she has the greatest voice I’ve ever heard at any karaoke night.

Elaine is one of our newer friends, and she’s getting into the swing of things. It’s great to see people cutting loose and having fun.

I have the greatest friends, and “I will always love them.”

Wednesday:) Wild and Wacky Friends

20 Feb

“Don’t refuse to go on an occasional wild goose chase – that’s what wild geese are for.”


I have the greatest group of friends, and they are scattered all over the country, I’m not sure how they got scattered, but that’s a different subject.

Last Friday was Valentine’s Day, and Helene I volunteered over at Towne Creek Senior Apartments from about 2-6:30pm. We were invited to Joni and Bob’s big V-Day party that started at 5:30, so we were pretty late. They started without us. The nerve!

When we arrived, they were playing some games, and sharing anonymous, possibly risqué Valentine’s Day cards. As each card was read aloud, the reader had to guess who brought the card. It was fun, and a little blushing and shushing ensued. Then, Joni had these cute photo op set ups where we became a Valentine card, and she asked me to take the pictures. That was fun, and they turned out so cute,

Just a few of my wild and wacky friends.

Today, I made some new wacky and creative friends over at St. Gabriel’s Crafting Ministry. Last week, at the 60+ group potluck dinner, Martha asked me to join the crafting group that meets every Wednesday. Yikes! Another group, another commitment on my already super busy calendar. But, I thought I’d check it out today. I met some very nice ladies, and my dear friend from Art Club, Bonita, has been a long time member. I call her my twin sister because we have the same birthday.

The ladies work all year long on making beautiful crafts for the annual holiday craft bizarre in November and other sales that benefit St. Gabriel.

I was inspired by our rock painting craft at Lynne’s house before Valentine’s Day, and I had seen something somewhere that said “Jesus Rocks,” so I thought that would be a cool project for today.

The other ladies were all busy with wreaths, and nativity scenes, and holiday decorations.

So, just another wild and wacky Wednesday with Toni.