Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Anchors Aweigh!

3 Jul

As we look forward to freedom, the shining city on the hill and the best days of America lying ahead, it is the men and women in uniform who protect, defend and make us proud to whom we should look and give thanks every night.
Robin Hayes (

This is a very appropriate quote for our upcoming Fourth of July celebrations. Why in the world do they call it Independence Day? How ironic that we celebrate being independent, but actually, we are very dependent on our men an women in uniform who insure we retain our freedom and liberties. I vote that we rename it Dependence Day or TYFYS Day, Thank You For Your Service Day. OK, all those in favor, raise your hand.

The last place in the world I expected to see a couple of military uniforms was at my local Starbucks. Not that they don’t drink coffee, it’s because, I don’t drink coffee, and not a big fan of Starbucks also.(No offense to my “Starstruck caffeine-a-maniac friends.) It just so happened, I was meeting my friend, Julia, after Zumba class yesterday, and that was a convenient location. We were catching up and discussing our writing adventures or lack there of. As we said our goodbyes, I noticed two gentlemen in black-grey camouflage uniforms seated across from me. It wasn’t the typical green camo that I was familiar with.

Well, if you know me, I had to go over and shake their hands and thank them for their service. Then I noticed the U.S. Navy on the pocket. Ah, they were Navy guys. So, I plopped myself down and chatted with the delightful young sailors. Turns out that they were currently assigned to the recruiting station up on Route 380 in McKinney. The gentleman on my left had the word Pass on his shirt, and the other had Muldanado on his. I turned to my right and said, “I guess you didn’t get a PASS.” I asked the poor young man named Pass, who probably has endured that joke a million times, “I bet you never heard that one before, did ya?” He smiled and agreed, “Oh no, that’s a new one!”

We talked a while. I learned about their wives and families and where they were from. How cool is that? You meet the most interesting people by just sharing a kind word or a friendly hello. As I was leaving, I asked them what plans they had for the Fourth of July, and they said they were going to be in the parade on the Square. I told them that I’d see them there. I’d be the one waving and yelling, “Hey Jeff! Hey Manny!…ANCHORS AWEIGH!!!”

Jeff Pass…I asked him where he was from, he said, “All over. My dad was in the Navy and we moved around a lot.”

Manny Muldanado… Manny and his family are from the Dallas area. He’s pleased to be stationed around family right now.

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