Tag Archives: Manic Monday

Just Another Manic Monday

27 Oct

Hey, I know it’s Monday, but it’s also a new day, a new week, and in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen. 

~Michael Ealy


My Monday started out with a crazy wild 1 hour kickboxing class. Then, home for an hour walk/run. When I came home and looked out the window, I saw a huge ant hill in the back yard…fire ants. Yikes! So, out with the spray and granules and checked the front and back yards…more mounds all over. After several days of clouds and rain, the sun was out, the weather cool, and my spirits uplifted. 

I didn’t feel like taking over the world, but I felt like going to a movie. My bucket list had go to a movie alone on it, and I did that once already, so I figured twice would be twice as good. So, I went by myself to see “Bridge of Spies.”

It was somewhat entertaining, but a little slow for my tastes. I almost dozed off. Still glad I went though. 

When I left the movie, it was after 5:30 and I totally forgot that I wanted to go vote in the early voting elections, so I raced to the library to get there by 6. I stopped and chatted with a woman named Kelly outside  afterwards who had a Vote No on Prop 5. (That’s to stop the monster parking garage in the entrance to the square.)

If you don’t vote, don’t complain about how your city and country is run. 

I didn’t take over the world today, but I voiced my opinion.